We stayed at Piping Rock Resort in Wolfeboro. The black flies were very bad. It rained. But the fishing made it all worthwhile.

We almost burned the cabin down. Fortunately, there were working smoke detectors. We were able to throw the smoldering logs, that had been drying on top of the wood stove, out the door.

Trip 2005: Wolfeboro, NH, Lake Winnipesaukee


The 2006 trip was the weekend before Memorial Day. The Mother's day flood caused a last minute change in location. Lake Winnipesaukee was full of debris and the water was too high to get the rental boat under the bridge. We found a house on Forrest Lake in western NH not affected by the flood.

Not many fish and not many big ones this year. Gary caught the record 18 1/4 in, 2.5 lbs.

Trip 2006: Forrest Lake, Winchester, NH