Monthly Archives: January 2007


We are planning on getting cabins at the same place we did in 2005, which is the Piping Rock Resort in Wolfeboro.  Hopefully George won't burn the place down this year.  This year's trip will be very special, as it will be Al's last weekend as a free man.  
We will plan on renting at least one boat this year, maybe more depending on the head count for the trip.   Keep checking the website for more details.

If you want to contact me for more details, email me at


Trip 2007: Wolfeboro, NH, Lake Winnipesaukee, May 4-6


The 2006 trip was the weekend before Memorial Day. The Mother's day flood caused a last minute change in location. Lake Winnipesaukee was full of debris and the water was too high to get the rental boat under the bridge. We found a house on Forrest Lake in western NH not affected by the flood.

Not many fish and not many big ones this year. Gary caught the record 18 1/4 in, 2.5 lbs.

Trip 2006: Forrest Lake, Winchester, NH